Welcome to the Widget Financial Family!

We completed the merger between Lake Erie Community Federal Credit Union and Widget Financial on November 1, 2022. We are very excited about this merger and confident that our convenient products and services will enrich your life!

Checking Accounts – Debit Cards & Checks
Members with a LECFCU Checking Account received a new box of checks prior to November 1st. You should begin using these checks on the 1st of November and destroy any old Lake Erie Community FCU checks you may have left over. Members received a new Widget Financial Visa Debit Card prior to the merger. On November 1st, you will be able to use your new card.

Credit Cards
Upon receiving your new Widget Financial Visa Credit Card, please pay attention to the activation details provided with the card. This information will provide you with the date you should begin using your new card. On this date, your LECFCU Credit Card will no longer be active.
After your Widget Financial Visa Credit Card is activated you will no longer need separate Online and Mobile Banking access for your Credit Card. All Visa Credit Card-related items will be found directly inside your Widget Financial Online Banking.

Important Information via Mail
Please be aware that you may receive other important information from us in the mail. This information includes items related specifically to your account. Correspondence may include updates to your loan insurance, new debit and credit cards, or other communication materials.

Online Banking
Sign up for online banking with your new account number today! Your new account number is a 6-digit number beginning with 16 and ending with your LECFCU account number. For example, if your Lake Erie Community FCU account number was 1234, your new Widget Financial account number is 161234. If you are an existing Widget Financial member, your LECFCU accounts are now available inside your existing Online Banking user login.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during these changes. Again, please take time to read through the very important information on this site. If you have any questions or concerns related to your account due to the merger, please contact our Member Service team, at 814.456.6231 ext. 161.
Merger Frequently Asked Questions
Prior to November 1st, any member with an existing LECFCU debit card will receive a new Widget Financial Visa debit card. For security reasons, these cards will come in a plain white envelope, and are often mistaken for junk mail. Beginning November 1st, you can activate your new debit card.
For members with LECFCU Credit Cards, you will also receive a new Widget Financial Visa Credit Card. Please pay attention to the activation details provided with the card. This information will provide you with the date you should begin using your new credit card. On this date, your LECFCU Credit Card will no longer be active.
Your loans will not change. Your interest rate, term, and payment amounts will remain the same. If your payment is made automatically, it will continue to be made in the same manner.
You should update your Social Security direct deposit after November 1st using your full 10-digit account number and Widget Financial routing number. This information can be found in your welcome packet, on the bottom of your new Widget Financial checks, inside Online Banking, or by visiting any Widget Financial branch location.
Once you have located your full account number, you can update your Social Security deposit through the “my Social Security” profile online at https://www.ssa.gov/myaccount/, or by calling 1-800-772-1213.
Withdrawals from your Widget Financial Holiday Club are limited to one withdrawal per year prior to disbursement. Holiday Club accounts are disbursed via transfer to your Savings Account once per year on October 1st. Your Fun & Future account will be converted to a Special Savings Account, which is allowed unlimited withdrawals and has no disbursement date.
Beginning November 1st, you may sign up for Widget Financial’s Online Banking. If you are an existing Widget Financial member, your LECFCU accounts will become available inside of your existing Online Banking user login on November 1st.
For more information on Online Banking, visit widgetfinancial.com/onlinebanking
Beginning November 1st, branch hours will be expanding!
Monday – Friday: 9 -5
Saturday: 9 – 1
Yes! The LECFCU office will remain open as the newest Widget Financial branch. Once the merger is completed we will train the Lake Erie Community FCU staff on all the Widget Financial products and services, and then return them to the branch. You may also see some new friendly faces from time to time, so be sure and say “hello” when you stop in!
Except for the Girard location, all Widget Financial branches have ATMs capable of deposits and withdrawals.
You can also make surcharge-free withdrawals at any ATM in Pennsylvania where you see the CU$ logo. The CU$ Network includes more than 400 credit union locations across the state that have joined together to offer free ATM transactions to all their members. Look for the CU$ logo or find a surcharge-free CU$ site near you using the ATM locator found here.